Different Rooute
About me.

Fawn Logan-Young
Owner of Different Rooute.
Welcome to my blog!​
I am a Nova Scotian currently studying social sciences at the University of Ottawa with my main focuses in sociology, anthropology, political science, and women's studies. Away from school, I have a passion for the promotion of inclusivity in the outdoors and its physical and mental health benefits.
As Different Rooute (my outdoor recreation and facilitation business) is on pause, I will utilize my website to keep my community in the loop while I finish my degree.
I hope to use my blog as a creative outlet to express my findings as I evolve into a better version of myself through a mosaic of topics that move me: social commentary, politics, personal reflection, poetry, travel, photography and more. I hope to grow enough to use my abilities to better help my community and those around me.
With fears of leaving you, the reader, curious about who I am, I encourage you to get to know me as my blog grows.